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Psalm 16:2 - apart from you I have no good thing

NIV I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."
KJV O my soul, thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not to thee;
NASB I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You."
Psalm 16:2


God not only does good; He is the originator of goodness (Gen. 1:31). We have no innate goodness in ourselves; there is no source of goodness outside God (Ps. 16:2; 119:68). To say God is good is to say that He is absolutely pure. There is not a hint of evil or even neutrality. The moment we call Him less than good, we see Him as less than God. Jesus defines "goodness" in one word-God (Matt. 19:16, 17).

Goodness is not one of God's part-time activities (Ps. 136:1). He abounds in it (Ex. 34:6). It is the drive behind His blessings and the reason for His compassion, kindness, and generosity (Ps. 84:11). God does not give out of obligation, for He is never in anyone's debt. He gives out of His goodness. God's goodness is for this life (Ps. 27:13) as well as eternity (Ps. 31:19). It gives hope (Ps. 27:13), leads to repentance (Rom. 2:4), and produces thankfulness (Ps. 136:1). God has started a good work in each believer and has committed Himself to completing His work (Phil. 1:6).

Thomas Nelson, I. (1997, c1995). Woman's study Bible . (Ps 26:11). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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