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Deuteronomy 32:3 - I will proclaim the name of the LORD

NIV I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!
KJV Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.
NASB For I proclaim the name of the LORD;
Ascribe greatness to our God!
Deuteronomy 32:3


The song (Deuteronomy 32) may be summarized as follows: The universe is summoned to hear the word of the Lord. It is refreshing and nourishing, like the rain and the dew. In verse 3 (which could serve as a title to the song) Moses speaks of ascribing greatness to their God. The song reveals God's greatness in the context of His historical dealings with His people.

MacDonald, W., & Farstad, A. (1997, c1995). Believer's Bible Commentary : Old and New Testaments (Dt 32:1). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.