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Daily Bible Verse - 6/16/2007 - Ephesians 6:4

Today's Verse

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4


fathers. The word technically refers to male parents, but was also used of parents in general. Since Paul had been speaking of both parents (vv. 1-3) he probably had both in mind here. The same word is used in Heb. 11:23 for Moses' parents. do not provoke. In the pagan world of Paul's day, and even in many Jewish households, most fathers ruled their families with rigid and domineering authority. The desires and welfare of wives and children were seldom considered. The apostle makes clear that a Christian father's authority over his children does not allow for unreasonable demands and strictures that might drive his children to anger, despair, and resentment. training and admonition of the Lord. This calls for systematic discipline and instruction, which brings children to respect the commands of the Lord as the foundation of all of life, godliness, and blessing. Cf. Prov. 13:24; Heb. 12:5-11.

MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word Pub., 1997, c1997, S. Eph 6:4 : Many Editions > Same Daily Verse

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